Linearisation of Vector-Valued Functions

It is a classical idea to represent vector-valued functions by continuous linear operators [18]. Let $\mathcal{F}(\Omega)$ be a locally convex Hausdorff space (lcHs) of functions from a set $\Omega$ to the field $\mathbb{K}$ of real or complex numbers and $E$ an lcHs over $\mathbb{K}$. Then Schwartz’ $\varepsilon$-product of $\mathcal{F}(\Omega)$ and $E$ is defined as the space of continuous linear operators

$$ \mathcal{F}(\Omega)\varepsilon E :=L_{e}(\mathcal{F}(\Omega)_{\kappa}’,E). $$

Supposing that the point-evaluations $\delta_{x}$ belong to the dual space $\mathcal{F}(\Omega)’$ for all $x\in\Omega$ and that there is an lcHs $\mathcal{F}(\Omega,E)$ consisting of $E$-valued functions on $\Omega$ which is the counterpart of $\mathcal{F}(\Omega)$, linearisation of $\mathcal{F}(\Omega,E)$ means that the map

$$ S\colon \mathcal{F}(\Omega)\varepsilon E \to \mathcal{F}(\Omega,E),\; u\longmapsto[x\mapsto u(\delta_{x})], $$

is a well-defined topological isomorphism.

In [7,14,15] we derive sufficient conditions on $E$ and on the properties and structures of the functions and function spaces $\mathcal{F}(\Omega)$ and $\mathcal{F}(\Omega,E)$ such that the map $S$ is a topological isomorphism. Once the isomorphism $S$ is established for all complete (or Banach) $E$, the famous approximation property of a space $\mathcal{F}(\Omega)$ is equivalent to the property that every function in $\mathcal{F}(\Omega,E)$ can be approximated by functions with values in finite dimensional subspaces of $E$ for any complete (or Banach) $E$, which we investigate in [2] for weighted spaces of $\mathcal{C}^{k}$-smooth functions. In [4] we study the stronger property that $\mathcal{F}(\Omega)$ is nuclear in the case of weighted spaces of $\mathcal{C}^{\infty}$-smooth functions.

Nuclearity can be used to transfer the surjectivity of a continuous linear map $T\colon \mathcal{F}(\Omega)\to\mathcal{F}(\Omega)$ to the $\varepsilon$-product $T\varepsilon \operatorname{id}_{E}\colon \mathcal{F}(\Omega)\varepsilon E\to\mathcal{F}(\Omega)\varepsilon E$ for Fréchet spaces $\mathcal{F}(\Omega)$ and $E$ by Grothendieck´s classical tensor product theory [1]. In combination with the topological isomorphism $S$ this implies that the surjectivity of a continuous linear partial differential operator can be transfered from the scalar-valued to the vector-valued case, which we study for the Cauchy-Riemann operator $T=\overline{\partial}$ on weighted spaces of $\mathcal{C}^{\infty}$-smooth functions in [3,5,11,12] even for $E$ beyond the class of Fréchet spaces.

Another application of the topological isomorphism $S$ lies in lifting series representations from scalar-valued to $E$-valued functions [8,14], for instance power series representations of holomorphic functions [6], and the extension of $E$-valued functions via weak extensions [9,10,14,17], i.e. to answer the question:

Let $\Lambda$ be a subset of $\Omega$ and $G$ a linear subspace of $E’$. Let $f\colon \Lambda\to E$ be such that for every $e’\in G$, the function $e’\circ f\colon\Lambda\to \mathbb{K}$ has an extension in $\mathcal{F}(\Omega)$. When is there an extension $F\in\mathcal{F}(\Omega,E)$ of $f$, i.e. $F_{\mid \Lambda} = f$ ?

Linearisations are also related to the existence and uniqueness of preduals of function spaces $\mathcal{F}(\Omega)$ [13,16,17].

References Link to heading

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