Selected Talks
Check the links for supplementary information and material.
2024 Link to heading
- $\mathrm{C}$-maximal regularity and $\mathrm{C}$-admissibility for semigroups on locally convex spaces, IWOTA 2024, University of Kent, United Kingdom. Slides
- $\mathrm{C}$-maximal regularity and $\mathrm{C}$-admissibility for semigroups on locally convex spaces, Joint workshop of the GAMM Activity Group Applied Operator Theory & BH²KOS 2024, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany.
2023 Link to heading
- Final state observability estimates and cost-uniform approximate null-controllability for bi-continuous semigroups, IWOTA 2023, Helsinki, Finland.
- On linearization, existence and uniqueness of preduals, BH²KS 2023, Universität Hamburg, Germany. Slides
2022 Link to heading
- E-Assessment in Mathematik, MathNat-Treff (BA Sachsen) Staatliche Studienakademie Dresden, Germany (online).
- Weighted composition semigroups on spaces of holomorphic functions, IWOTA 2022, Kraków, Poland. Slides
- On the Lumer–Phillips theorem for bi-continuous semigroups, GAMM 2022, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Slides
- Final state observability estimates and cost-uniform approximate null-controllability for bi-continuous semigroups, WOSTAP, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany. Slides
- Warteschlangentheorie in robotisierten Lagerhaltungssystemen, Habilitationskolloquium (Habilitation defense), Hamburg University of Technology, Germany. Slides
- On equicontinuity and tightness of bi-continuous semigroups, OPSO 2022, HSE University, Russia (online). YouTube: Video
2021 Link to heading
- Elektronische Prüfungen in Mathematik – Ein Beispiel, Hanse-Kolloquium 2021, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (online). Slides
- On equicontinuity and tightness of bi-continuous semigroups, Oberseminar Analysis, TU Dresden, Germany (online). Slides
- On equicontinuity and tightness of bi-continuous semigroups, SCINDIS 2020, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany (online).
- High quality questions for e-assessment in mathematics, The 20th SEFI Special Interest Group in Mathematics Seminar, University of Agder, Norway (online). Slides
2020 Link to heading
- Vector-valued holomorphic functions in several variables, Seminar Institute of Mathematics, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany (online). Slides
- Series representations in spaces of vector-valued functions via Schauder decompositions, DMV Annual Meeting 2020, TU Chemnitz, Germany (online). Slides
- Case-Study: Projekt MINTFIT E-Assessment; Elektronische Prüfungen in Mathematik – Ein Beispiel, with D. Gallaun, and C. Seifert, GfHf 2020, Universität Hamburg, Germany (online). Poster
2019 Link to heading
- Extension of vector-valued functions and weak-strong principles, Seminar Institute of Mathematics, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany. Slides
- Mobiles Testcenter für E-Prüfungen, with D. Gallaun, and C. Seifert, ePS 2019, Universität Siegen, Germany. Poster
- Aufgabenkonzepte für eine bessere Qualität von E-Prüfungen, with D. Gallaun, and C. Seifert, ePS 2019, Universität Siegen, Germany. Poster
- Subordination for bi-continuous semigroups, IWOTA 2019, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Slides
- Digitale Prüfungen, Austauschtreffen AK Mathe Digital, Hochschule Hannover, Germany. Slides
- Solvability of the inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equation for weighted smooth vector-valued functions, GAMM 2019, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
- Parameter dependence of solutions of the Cauchy-Riemann equation on spaces of weighted smooth functions, BH²KS 2019, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany. Slides
2018 Link to heading
- Authentische Aufgaben in Klausuren – E-Prüfungen an der TUHH, Tag des Wissens, Technik und digitale Welten, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany. Slides
- The approximation property for spaces of weighted differentiable functions, Function Spaces XII, Jagiellonian University, Poland. Slides
- Extension of weighted vector-valued functions, Paweł Domański Memorial Conference, Będlewo Conference Center, Poland. Slides
- Implementing Computer-assisted Exams in a Course on Numerical Analysis for Engineering Students, with C. Seifert, The 19th SEFI Mathematics Working Group Seminar, Politécnico de Coimbra, Portugal. Poster
2017 Link to heading
- Tensor products of vector-valued weighted functions, Banach Spaces and Operator Theory with Applications, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. Slides
- Elliptic problems with unbounded coefficients, with H.H. Gaebler, coordinator M. Kunze, ISEM 20, Baronissi, Italy. Slides
2016 Link to heading
- $H$-Lipschitz functions, with L. Arutyunyan, and S. Ferrari, coordinator D. Pallara, ISEM 19, Casalmaggiore, Italy. Slides
- Konzeption von online E-Assessment-Übungen für Mathematik-Kurse mit Elementen aus der Technischen Mechanik, 11. Ingenieurpädagogische Regionaltagung, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany. Slides
2015 Link to heading
- Von A nach B, Technik für Kinder. Faszination Schiff, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany. Poster
- Fourier and Laplace transforms for hyperfunctions, Workshop on Functional Analysis Valencia 2015 on the occasion of the 60th birthday of José Bonet, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. Slides
- Fractional powers and Kato’s conjecture, with I. Yaroslavtsev, coordinators M. Egert, and R. Haller-Dintelmann, ISEM 18, Blaubeuren, Germany.
2014 Link to heading
- Vector-valued Fourier hyperfunctions, DMV-PTM 2014 Joint Meeting, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. Slides
- Zeig mir den Weg!, with C.G. Heise, Technik für Kinder. Faszination Schiff, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany. Poster
- Vektorwertige Fourier-Hyperfunktionen, Disputation (PhD defense), University of Oldenburg, Germany. Slides
2013 Link to heading
- Vektorwertige Fourier-Hyperfunktionen, 35. Nordwestdeutsches Funktionalanalysis Kolloquium, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
2010 Link to heading
- Die Laplace-Transformation und das abstrakte Cauchy-Problem in Banachräumen, Diplomvortrag (Diploma defense), Oberseminar Analysis, University of Oldenburg, Germany.